The Power of Change
Why do things have to change? Does that sound like you or someone you know?
With so many changes going on in this world, it would be hard not to be affected by change of some kind. Technology is a prime example of change as its constantly changing so much so it challenges us to keep up to date. And then there are changes with online banking, self -check- out counters, smart phones, iPads, iPods, eBooks or Skype, and recording TV shows or watching movies (Netflix) or even the changes in weather; we can’t seem to escape from change.
Can we stop change from affecting us or those around us in a negative way? We absolutely can if we allow ourselves to “accept” it.
Here’s a suggestion; why not try becoming more self-aware of how you feel “in the moment”, and then learn to manage your behaviors that are a result of those feelings. Try asking yourself key questions like:
- What is it about this change that makes me feel this way?
Sometimes it’s a fear of the unknown, which is a common reaction to change, or not having an understanding or awareness with regards to the change. Ask yourself the question over and over “why am I feeling this way?” until you get an answer.
- What can I do to change the way I feel?
There is a saying “What you resist will persist”. Accepting the fact that a change has or is happening is an effective way of releasing stress. So, if there is no way around it, if the change is going to affect you, then accept it. Adjust your self-talk, increase your level of patience and give yourself time. Congratulations! You just created a major increase in your level of resiliency.
- What reasons could there be for these changes?
This requires positive and sometimes creative thinking; try to “think outside the box”. Change is most often intended to make things better. So, take a moment to think about two or three positive reasons or benefits for this change and then feel the uneasiness subside.
- How can I get guidance or direction in this matter of change?
You will be amazed at how many people “want” to help others learn. Most people are more than happy to pass on their knowledge to someone else. Ask a family member, neighbor, friend or colleague at work. Don’t forget about your social media group or research via the internet.
Change is inevitable so why not learn how to make the best of it, which will, in turn, make life easier for you and those around you!
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